北鼻异想世界 已完结 共3集

分类:纪录片 大陆2018



Notes about the personality forming: 1. There are 3 types of genetical temperament: excitable, calm and cautious. To give what children need by depending on their different personality type, they can shape their later personality, e.g. we can think about the nursery and school that suit them.

2. Children who hear lots of language when they are younger tend to do better in school because their parents have set good foundations for them earlier on.

3. 2-year-old children had already their own preference roots in the very early period of development. We can shape our children's social preferences by thinking about the environment they are exposed to.

4. Self-control is connected with their behaviors later in school and later stages of life, so it's very important. The best way is allowing them to explore the world instead of giving instructions and telling reasons. Let the children themselves learn how to control their own behaviors and emotions.

Notes about building relationship with other: 1. 7-month-old children have the ability to tell a good or bad behavior, and they like good behavior.

2. Peekaboo is the most effective way to make a baby laugh because it's a communicative way to connect the baby with an adult.

4. The way we communicate with babies will set an example for them to follow the rules of connecting with others.

5. The emergence of self-awareness triggers another crucial bound in babies' socila development, i.e. they get to know people around them have different minds and feelings. Seeing the world from not only their own perspective helps children to successfully build relationship with others.

6. Empathy is a born-with ability, but their responses may be influenced by the parents' fostering way.

Notes about independence: 1. Distraction is the most effective strategy for toddlers to deal with the frustration and anxiety. So every time when they lose tempers, parents should calm down, and know it's just a process of learning how to deal with the overwhelming emotions. As they grow older, parents should withdraw more and more support so they can learn how to regulate their own emotions.

2. By exaggerating the rhythm, baby talk is the best way to talk to babies because their brain respond more actively simultaneously.

3. Babies are born with the ability to hear all the different speech contrasts which are found in the world, but the superpower lasts only for less than 1 year. The reason is that as they grow older, they have to get prepared for concentrating on just one language to learn it well. Children will gradually lose the connection of other languages in brain if they are not exposed to the stimulation of other foreign languages.

4.The ability to hold an image in mind and manipulate it is the cornerstone for children's emotional and intellectual development, and it is really an important skill to support their further learning in many ways.

5. Communication, coordination and cooperation are key skills for children to be able to take their place in the world.

启发:1.对于不同脾气的孩子,要考虑如何为他们安排适合他们性格的活动和环境。我们家的孩子属于excitable和cautious的结合体,所以还是要多安排一些外出的机会,多给她机会释放自我;同时也要考虑她刚进入陌生环境的安全感是否充足,在接纳她不安的基础上给予鼓励。2.尽可能多地和孩子对话,不嫌弃她话多,给她讲绘本;因为大脑的外语联结会随着外语的无刺激渐渐消失,所以还是要坚持外语刺激,而且年龄越小越好。3.根据孩子的喜好给她提供锻炼的工具,我家孩子爱画画爱听故事,这可能和我从小的引导有关吧,继续给她创造能画画和阅读的环境。但是其他潜力的发掘也需要考虑家庭环境,比如舞蹈(我和他爸爸都不爱好这个),就算让她去培训班学舞蹈,她如果不是很感兴趣或者很有天分,没有家庭的支持是很难坚持下去的。但是音乐和乐器还是可以培养的,毕竟我和她爸爸还是都很感兴趣的,这样就能共同进步。兴趣爱好这种东西,家庭成员如果能够共同进步,那就是最好的状态。4.自我控制(能够做到自我延迟满足),站在他人的角度看问题,逻辑思维能力,与人合作和沟通的能力,同理心,这些是我今后和她相处中需要重视的。5.如果漠视孩子的不良情绪,她只会学习大人的这种对待人和事的态度,她再次发脾气的时候告诉自己要冷静,告诉自己她发脾气是为了学习如何处理这些沮丧和不安的情绪。小时候帮助她转移注意力,同时也要慢慢引导她自己学会寻求安慰,转移注意力的方法。6. 尽量多地使用baby talk和她沟通吧,她能有兴趣才能吸收更多的东西。以前看很多地方说孩子大了,baby talk会影响她的语言发展,那就试试用规范的语言,夸张的语气和孩子讲话吧,特别是讲绘本的时候。详情


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